/æ/ Course: 1GB VISUAL STUDIES Year: SPRING 2018 Instructor:  ANNA NEIMARK
             MATTHEW AU

Æ (lowercase: æ) is a character formed from the letters a and e, originally a ligature representing the Latin diphthong ae. It has been promoted to the status of a letter in some languages, including Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese. It was also used in Old Swedish before being changed to ä. It was also used in Ossetian before switching back to its Cyrillic counterpart. As a letter of the Old English Latin alphabet, it was called æsc, "ash tree". is a ligature of the lowercase letters "c" and "t". It is formed by drawing a round, leftward line from the top of the "t" onto the top of the "c". In Greek the consonant cluster ct is spelled "KT". In Latin, this cluster was transliterated as "ct".

The letter æ and ct are re-constructed on a grid and spine line base to dissect its formal structure (Image 1, 2). Both letters share a common spherical construction of the belly and tails. Based on its formal similarity, both letters are extruded and intersected onto each other to form a supercluster of 3D projection from the 2D surface (Image 3, 4, 5). The letters’ formal construction in a plane now allude into a tangible physical artifact. This artifact is then set in front of a background as a still life (Image 6, 7). Dressing the artifact with various skins and textures such as knitted sweater (Image 8, 9, 10) and floral embellishment, applique, and embroidery  (Image 11 - 14).

1.Construction of the Letter
2.Folding of the Letter
3.Front View of Letter ae and ct
4.Side View of Letter ae and ct
5.Top View of Letter ae and ct
6.Still Life Front View
7.Still Life Side View
8.Goosebumps Skin
9.Knit Skin
10.Knit Skin
11.Floral Skin
12.Floral Skin
13.Floral Skin
14.Floral Skin
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